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Beginner Agility Classes


All Dog Quest classes are held at 2642 Bernardo Avenue in Escondido CA 92029. We are building our waitlist for the next Beginner Classes. If you are interested, please fill out a Beginner Form


Our Beginner Ring is much smaller than our larger competition level training field, which is better suited for dogs just learning to go off leash. The ring, which is 3,600 square feet, has a surface of 1-1.5" deep sand and is completely fenced in. The majority of your agility class time will be listening to instruction and watching others while waiting for your turn. Dogs need to be able to wait nicely on leash. If your dog has leash aggression, I’m sorry, this class is not for you. If your dog needs to express themselves by barking a lot when watching other dogs, again I’m sorry, this class is not for you. Your dog does not have to be a perfect angel, but aggression toward people or other dogs, and excessive barking, cannot be tolerated.


The minimum age to join a Beginner Class is 10 months. Taller dogs take longer for their growth plates to seal. The longer you can wait, and the more mature your dog is mentally and physically, the easier they will be for you to train them in agility. When we do have young dogs in class, we'll keep the jump bars low until their growth plates have sealed. Agility can still be fun and challenging even when the bars are low. You are encouraged to fill out a Beginner Form, and we will contact you when a class is available once your dog is 10 months old.


We are offering two different types of classes for beginners.

Introduction to Dog Agility

This class will start you and your dog off on the right foot while having fun and introducing the foundations of dog agility. The dogs are expected to have had little or no prior agility training. Jumps and tunnels will be the core obstacles used to teach you and your dog the handling skills needed to move together on an agility course.  The more challenging agility obstacles (the weaves and contacts) may be introduced and trained if you decide you and your dog would like to progress further.  This course can be repeated several times to gain confidence, develop skills, and to have a great introduction to dog agility.


Class Fee: $225 prepaid for one session. One session has 5 weekly classes. The classes will typically be 5 consecutive weeks, but that may be adjusted due to weather conditions or for some other reason that would cause the whole class to skip the week. There will be no refunds or make-up classes except for the reasons just mentioned. Each class is for 1 hour. Maximum class size: 8 dogs

Class Day/Times offered :

Mondays at 4:30 PM with Gail Owashi 

4/28, 5/5, 5/12 and 5/19/25. This will be a 4 class session for $180.

If you are interested in a Beginner Class, please fill out this Beginner Form.

Foundation for Competition

This class is for dogs that have little or no agility experience. The rules for agility competition will be discussed. The more challenging obstacles to perform will be introduced and trained, specifically the weaves and the 2-on 2-off contact performance. This course requires three consecutive sessions to develop the skills needed to advance to the next level. If you think you might be interested in competing with your dog in agility, this is the class for you!


Class Fee: $225 prepaid for one session. One session has 5 weekly classes. The classes will typically be 5 consecutive weeks, but that may be adjusted due to weather conditions or for some other reason that would cause the whole class to skip the week. There will be no refunds or make-up classes except for the reasons just mentioned. Each class is for 1 hour. Maximum class size: 8 dogs

Class Day/Times offered :

Saturdays at 8:00 AM with Gail Owashi

5/3, 5/10, 5/17, (skip 5/24) and 5/31/25. This will be a 4 class session for $180.

If you are interested in a Beginner Class, please fill out this Beginner Form.

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